intermarriage|intermarriages in English


marriage between individuals from different races or cultures; marriage between closely related individuals

Use "intermarriage|intermarriages" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "intermarriage|intermarriages" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "intermarriage|intermarriages", or refer to the context using the word "intermarriage|intermarriages" in the English Dictionary.

1. Leisures barrer intermarriages noctambule Batitinan microelectrolysis nonround hallway crowhop starosta aletap

2. Intermarriage with Alaskan Natives helped the Russian immigrants integrate into society.

3. These latter are the result of intermarriage by the Eastern and Western population segments mentioned above.

4. The families and the firms which they controlled were bound together by religious and social factors, and by the prevalence of intermarriage.

5. The human cost was enormous, not only because of the extremely deadly wars, but also due to intermarriages among blood relatives which produced abnormal children.

6. Much of the Bannocks’ eastern territory was contiguous with the Shoshone’s western lands; as close and friendly neighbours, they often camped side by side, and intermarriage was common

7. See, nowadays people begin by sneering at family life and family institutions and the next you'll know, we'll throw everything overboard, we'll have intermarriage between black and white!

8. Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Blazonry"): quartering (a coat of arms that occupies one quarter of an escutcheon; combining four coats of arms on one shield usually represented intermarriages)

9. Hindus maintain that the proliferation of the Castes (jatis, literally “births”) was the result of intermarriage (which is prohibited in Hindu works on dharma), which led to the subdivision of the four classes, or varnas

10. The combined effects of disease, dispossession, intermarriage and conflict saw a collapse of the Aboriginal population of Tasmania from a few thousand people when the British arrived, to a few hundred by the 1830s.

11. Synonyms: arms , Blazonry , coat of arms Types: quartering a coat of arms that occupies one quarter of an escutcheon; combining four coats of arms on one shield usually represented intermarriages Type of: heraldry emblem indicating the right of a person to bear arms v decorate with

12. Intermarriages with other wealthy and influential Hudson Valley families, the Roosevelts, Delanos, Van Rensselaers, Schuylers, Astors, and Beekmans, to name a few created a dynasty and a landed Aristocracy on the banks of the new republic s most important river an irony embedded at the core of the American experiment.

13. Kegan said, “it was possible” as Arawaks and Caribs were enemies but they often lived side by side with occasional intermarriage before blood feuds erupted, and he suggested that maybe there was some cannibalism involved, because if you needed to terrify your enemies “eating them is a

14. ‘The warlike Carib people drove the Arawaks from neighboring islands but apparently did not settle on either Antigua or Barbuda.’ ‘The Virgin Islands were originally settled by the Ciboney, Carib, and Arawaks.’ ‘Intermarriage of the Arawaks and Caribs resulted in a new people called the Island Caribs.’